Real Vagabonds
Real Vagabonds
vagrant entertainment

As contexts change Alice goes from prickly loner to to valiant vagabond to the mature road warrior who's seen and done it all.

Hope wins over mistrust. 

Beauty wins over hatred. 

Humor & flexibility win over rigidity. 

Intimacy wins over isolation. 

Breathing behind everything - a mosaic of the Divine Champion.

Someone kind enough to not judge so harshly. 

Someone strong enough to be vulnerable. 

Someone lighthearted enough to be vulnerable, and still have fun. 

Someone loving enough to forgive themself and other people. 

Someone whose resilience is too great a match any ignorance. 

Someone whose sense of purpose is too great a match for any guilt. 

Someone whose integrity is too great a match for any despair.

We’re not just watching a character amassing new traits.

We’re watching a living, feeling, human being born – The Champion Of Our Own Heart.

The main lesson I want those who connect with Alice to understand is that it's possible to become the hero you need in the world. Or, in the words of Brené Brown, quoted as scribbled on a piece of paper strapped to my sun visor...

"Let go of who you think you should be, in order to be who you are."

-  The Gifts of Imperfection