Real Vagabonds
Real Vagabonds
vagrant entertainment

Challenged by this proposition, and grieving, Alice repents to her parents and apologize for having wasted her life and for the mistreatment of their special child that they loved so much. 

She spends some time grieving, locked away in a room at Danny's house. This is before we watch her collect her things, and pack it all up… In front of our eyes, we watch her call-it quits, with family, with Mack, seemingly her entire life.

After this montage of Alice putting her life away, she does something strange. Alice visits Evelyn, the main adversary, face-to-face. After knocking on her door, we see Alice sitting across from Evelyn as they seem to be wrapping up a cantankerous talk, after a tit-for-tat of snark, and retort, Alice yells to an off-screen ally to throw her a shotgun.  A bolt of lightning strikes in the stormy background, silhouetting Alice in a triumphant pose only to reveal she's been let-down by her ally.

Alice's attempt on Evelyn's life now gone sideways, finishes with Alice plummeting hundreds of feet down into jagged rocks, and choppy water riled by storm, after she's sent flying through the picture window of Eve's cliffside estate which once outlined her triumphant silhouette. We zoom out so that the cliffside house is a flicker in the distance, and a lightning strike again washes the screen white, to then reveal a living-and-pissed Alice hurled over a boulder, panting.

The next morning we watch Alice stumble her way through the surrounding forest before slyly carrying out a plan we aren't privy to. What we come to find out is that we're watching Alice enact a plan leading up to her encounter with Evelyn. Showing this part of the story non-linearly shows us exactly what Alice is in danger of becoming, exactly who she could be if she was simply a person with her skills, and life-story, without the redemption or nuance of a kind-enlightened heart.

Alice must set her secret plot in motion undetected, at first to maintain the element of surprise, and then after her metaphysical death "hero Alice" is born and must walk out of the land of the dead. Operating as a ghost which is her biggest tactical advantage.