Real Vagabonds
Real Vagabonds
vagrant entertainment

Payoffs we've been setting up in the story are coming into play and the stakes rise and rise. In Alice's acts of revenge/do-goodery Evelyn is driven further and further to the brink, feeling justified using more and more drastic measures to achieve her goals to the point that she becomes completely unhinged.

Alice wonders if she's actually making things worse by being around, driving her adversary into a frenzy, just as the Joker was created as a response to Batman. While she may want to wallow, and it is virtuous of her to contemplate the effects of her actions, she sees that she must walk the only path in front of her and continue playing "the hero."

Alice is a by all means a desperado, she's animated and bold, willing to go the distance in order to play her part and do right by the now-gone mentors of her inner strength - Cleo and her parents - and as an act of redemption for her former self whom she spent so much time hating and refusing to let shine.